Welcome to【Suqian feilaite electronic products Co., Ltd】Official website!
Due to the impact of COVID-19,Electronica China 2020 came late and opened on July 3, Despite the curr…
Our newest material, this high frequency MnZn ferrite is ideal for power applications operating betwe…
Suqian Fair-Rite was invited to attend ED-Test Technology Conference 2019- Shanghai summit during Sep…
As representatives of Fair-Rite Electronics Products Corp. we showed our products and presence at boo…
75 material is a kind of Mn-Zn material with high initial permeability, it can provide higher impedan…
原标题:前7月 我市外贸进出口稳中有进西楚网讯 当前,经济外部环境日趋严峻,面对经济下行压力不断凸显,宿…